Essay Packages

We pride ourselves on personalization, and have developed packages to suit a range of needs and budgets. From full-scale college advising to polishing up a personal statement, we are here for you. 
Platinum Package (Comprehensive)

Fixed-Rate Billing

Unlimited Schools, Unlimited Exchanges

Unlimited exchanges on unlimited schools until December 15th. Includes school list creation, application planning, and interview prep.

Fixed-Rate Billing

Eight Schools, Unlimited Exchanges

For applicants determined to attend an Ivy League school. Unlimited exchanges on all supplements and short answer questions for the eight ivies until December 15th. Clients may request to swap out a school (e.g., Stanford for Harvard). Often combined with the Personal Statement Package.

Fixed-Rate Billing

One School, Unlimited Exchanges

Unlimited exchanges on all supplements and short answer questions until one week before the school’s posted submission deadline. Often combined with the Personal Statement Package.

Fixed-Rate Billing

One Essay, Unlimited Exchanges

Unlimited exchanges on the Common Application personal statement (or equivalent) until October 25th.

Fixed-Rate Billing

Four Essays, Unlimited Exchanges

Includes the Personal Statement Package and unlimited exchanges on three additional UC essays until November 24th.

Hourly Billing

Unlimited Schools, Unlimited Exchanges

The scope of your work with Dimension is entirely up to you. To ensure transparency, invoices are accompanied by progress reports and work logs.

Additional Services

School List Creation

Dimension team members will draw upon their knowledge of college programs, campus cultures, and admissions procedures to help you create a targeted and well-rounded school list.

Application Planning

After the school list is finalized, a Dimension team member will help you to organize and schedule the application process to ensure the on-time, successful completion of each application.

Extracurricular & Course Planning

It is essential for those who wish to earn admission to highly selective schools to be intentional about their high school experience. We will help you to highlight your talents and achieve your potential.

Practice Interviews

With the understanding that experience alleviates stress, one or multiple Dimension team members will assume the role of an admissions officer or other school representative to help you prepare for success in the interview. A debrief will follow the interview, along with formal, written feedback.