Personalized Attention from Actual Experts
At Dimension, we pride ourselves on providing clients with a truly bespoke experience defined by personalized attention. For this reason, each Dimension advisor takes on a maximum of 6 full-time essay clients each admissions cycle.
At many larger firms, the most experienced consultants are little more than window dressing. Once the onboarding process concludes, clients are pawned off on mentors fresh out of college, or former admissions officers who are capable of identifying deficiencies in a candidate’s profile, but not capable of effectively guiding students to turn those deficiencies into strengths—this is especially true when it comes to the essay.
Comparatively, those selected for Dimension’s roster are guaranteed to work with one of our core advisors—knowledgeable admissions consultants with extensive track records in admissions work and countless hours of professional essay editing and workshop experience. Through strategic advisory and specialized essay instruction, we ensure our clients’ applications are multi-dimensional, projecting depth, insight, and nuance.
Get to Know the Dimension Team

Christopher Hathaway — Lead Advisor
Education, College Advising, Writing
Yale University; NYU Steinhardt
Christopher holds a B.A. from Yale University, an M.F.A. in Fiction from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, and an M.A.Ed. from NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, where he was inducted into the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education. He is a certified independent educational consultant through UC Irvine and is a professional member of both the National Association of College Admissions Counselors (NACAC) and the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA).
Christopher founded Dimension Admissions in the summer of 2019, following eight years as an independent school instructor, administrator, and admissions file reader. During this time, he also conducted alumni interviews for Yale University. He is an expert in educational advising, English language and literature, teaching, personal narrative writing, academic and extracurricular planning, school selection, and admissions.
His objective is to empower each client to articulate how their lived experiences have shaped their personal identity, and to determine how they will utilize this foundation to engender future growth and contribute meaningfully to their communities. While his primary goal is to send each of his clients to their dream school, his success is also contingent on whether they emerge from their work with Dimension Admissions more self-aware and confident as they embark on the next chapter of their life’s journey.

Tony J. Andrews - Core Advisor
Education, Writing
Amherst College; Iowa Writers' Workshop
Tony graduated cum laude from Amherst College, and holds an MFA in nonfiction writing from the University of Iowa, where he won the Carl Klaus Teaching Award. He has served as an editorial assistant for The Iowa Review and an assistant editor for the London Review of Books. Tony has worked with college, J.D., and M.B.A. applicants, helping them to gain admission to top programs including MIT Sloan and Berkeley Haas. His writing has appeared in The Surfer’s Journal, Tracks, and White Horses Magazine.

Quincy Carroll - Core Advisor
Education, Writing
Yale University

Ryan Ashcroft - Test Prep Guru
Education, Standardized Testing
UC Santa Barbara
Who is Ryan Ashcroft? Let’s put it this way: if Ryan had come to Dimension when he was in high school, our advice would have been “Do the opposite of everything you’re doing.” That’s because he was the kind of student who did basically everything wrong… except tests. Success on tests enabled him to skip two years of math, earn first place overall in his category at the Orange County Academic Decathlon, and earn his best friends’ undying appreciation for helping them study for the SAT and ACT (on which he scored 1590 and 35, respectively). When against all odds these same friends graduated from high school some 20 years ago, he embarked on a career to help others–even people with no friends at all–to understand and master the exams that would open the doors to their own futures. Now, anywhere there’s anyone struggling with a test, Ryan appears as if from shadows, ready to guide, encourage, and motivate the student until their goal is achieved.