A One-Stop Shop

From curating school lists to completing individual applications, Dimension is here to ensure your admissions journey is smooth and successful.

Our Ethos

We believe the application process affords an opportunity for introspection and self-expression, where the articulation of how your lived experience has shaped your identity will both earn you admission and engender self-awareness.

When our work is complete, you will have differentiated yourself from other candidates by showing the admissions board who you are, what you value, and how you will contribute to their school community.

An All-Angles Approach to Elite Admissions

Dimension implements a signature 4-D strategy oriented around Determination, Direction, Discovery, and Distinction—the pillars of our bespoke, holistic process.

Determination is the lifeblood of every triumphant application. From first hour to last, Dimension’s team will endeavor to motivate, to inspire, and to amplify your success.

Direction is our North Star, the unwavering reference point of our custom-tailored advisory and instruction. While our practice hinges around a tried-and-true methodology for navigating highly-selective admissions, our process is subjective to cultivate your personal growth and development in light of your needs and goals.

Discovery is the product of our targeted introspection. As a client, you will be empowered to take stock of your accomplishments, values, and trajectories, as well as the challenges, obstructions, and myriad diversions you’ve encountered along life’s path. Through guided self-reflection, you will evolve as a student, as a thought-leader, and of course, as an applicant. 

Distinction is manifest in your shining web of accomplishments and ambitions, conveyed most notably through meticulously crafted essays told in your authentic voice. Our definition of achievement is broad and encompassing, honoring the multitude of ways in which you might position yourself as an asset to any school community.